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Office Vacancy Rates Increasing in Central Texas

As the pandemic has caused more and more people to work from home, operations and facilities professionals are facing a new challenge: how to recycle office assets and furniture. Office furniture recycling involves removing and disposing of office equipment, furniture, and other physical assets that are no longer needed in a given space.

Time to Reassess Office Space in a Post-COVID World

Thanks to inflation and subsequent interest rate volatility, it might be a good time to reassess what tenants want in terms of their office space. In its latest conversation this week, CBRE discussed the findings of its study into the matter that showed tenants want their offices to talk back. A global leader in commercial […]

Remote Work Gains Momentum Despite Return-to-Office Mandates from High Profile CEOs

In some major US cities, the number of job postings for remote-friendly roles is hitting record levels — and trending up. That’s the latest finding of researchers including Stanford University’s Nicholas Bloom who’ve been gathering data on remote work since the early days of the pandemic.  By measuring the prevalence of job ads that offer […]

The Impact of Remote Working on Commercial Real Estate

For decades, one of the biggest markers of prestige for a business was its property: an imposing, large-scale office building was the sign of a truly successful company. But this idea is changing, as increasing numbers of us turn away from the traditional model of commuting every day into a central corporate HQ. This is […]